Come midnight I’ll remember you

comemidnightillremember copy

Come midnight I’ll remember
that day in late September
the day you cried a tear
just for me

Don’t think it won’t stop me
cause you know I just don’t see
a way to go, but out
so let me be

The clock strikes midnight slowly
and I wrestle with the knowing
I’m breaking your heart just like
you easily broke mine

The difference between you and me
and it’s plain for me to see
Come midnight
I’ll still remember you

Disclaimer: This is merely an expression~my art, no therapy needed or anything further I’m just like everyone else that expresses through art! Just thought I better clear that up! I’m totally 100% on fire in a good way!  I do this when I’m on deadline it helps me stay in the creative zone! Ya babe!

6 thoughts on “Come midnight I’ll remember you

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