18 thoughts on “I just get a bigger umbrella

      1. I love how I felt when I created this. It was rainy outside in inside my heart. I wish my heart would always stay rain-drop-free, but it never does. This is tough, I won’t lie or say it gets easier but it does become more of a magical journey when friends like you join in. Thank you for being my friend.

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      2. Thank you…I wouldn’t have made it this far without your love and encouragement. Every time I take a picture, I see it through your eyes. And thinkingpinkx2 saved me from the darkness. God gave me you….I love you💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖


      1. You were really cute (you’re still really cute in your photos). I’ll bet the boys chased after you.😍😉

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      2. You are too kind. I love that. Actually I’ve always been shy so if they chased me my Pa met them at the door with his shotgun. Lol I notice it more now that I’m older and I’m still shy and clueless 🤗😊❤️

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      3. Now you have to meet them at the door with a shotgun. But you can’t do that anymore without getting arrested.

        Liked by 2 people

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