Jan. 31, 2018 Super/Blood/Eclipse Moon

I noticed by the time it was full eclipse it was starting to get light and for some reason my camera faded everything. I tired to adjust it was I’d been standing outside for over an hour taking photos every 10 minutes or so. Angel and I had a great time!

18 thoughts on “Jan. 31, 2018 Super/Blood/Eclipse Moon

  1. The first shots are the ones most of us have and then came the trouble when the eclipse starts … the camera just refused to take a good shot at it.
    Mine are faded as well and I gave up because of the cold.
    Went home after my camera got freeze!

    But, beautiful shots, indeed.
    Anyway, it is a photo of Supermoon for your great grandkids in the next future of another 150 years! LOL


    1. I think it is the focus. I needed to switch it to manual. I will have it figured out by the next one~ LOL I was the same as you it was too cold to stand there and wait! Plus it faded too fast! Happy you got out too! ā¤


    1. AWE thank you Holly! Me and my dog were waiting for it. It was really fun taking photos every 10 minutes. I need to figure out what to do about adjusting for no light at all. I didn’t have time to figure it out! LOL xoxo ā¤

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      1. I can’t imagine having that kind of patience but it is so worth it (for me anyway šŸ™‚ Have a beautiful day dear lady, May the sun shine just for you! xoxo ā¤


      2. AWE thank you. I wasn’t able to sleep so it worked out good. I do have a lot of patience…I’m not really sure why I do. LOL I love that thank you Holly! I do love the sun shine! It’s warmer now thankfully! xoxo ā¤

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