Something sweet

My knock out roses are going crazy this year. What I find so amazing is how my wildflowers showed up. Thanks to my sweet little bird friends! I love the little spider webs on the Queen Annes Lace petals. There is much life in my little garden…I feel richly blessed!

16 thoughts on “Something sweet

      1. I went to this garden show and they had these trees in Gallon buckets.

        I hope you can see it. I just stepped out to snap a photo of it. LOL It’s taller than my hour now! Lots of bees. I wish I could catch a photo of them. I keep running away! LOL 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. LOL Oh yes I can imagine and your smell. I think that’s good to be attractive…just not big bees LOL I get really brave and walk fast with my power walk. Gives me chills every time! LOL

        Liked by 1 person

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