22 thoughts on “70° today

  1. I’m glad you got to go outside and sniff around. My dog, Marigold will be 17 if she makes it to May. She can only hear very loud noises and doesn’t see well at all. She gets confused about where she is. But she still loves to walk around in the yard and smell everything. Powerful sense of smell our doggies have!

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    1. Awe yes I know. I’m encouraged to know she’s 17. My vet said she had a dog that lived to be 19. So I’m hoping she will be with my a lot longer. My dog is like yours I think she might have selective hearing 😂😂🐶♥️

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    1. OH my gosh I was just thinking about you yesterday! NO joke! Wow. I have so much to say. I hope we can catch up on the phone~xoxo You made my day! I literally thought yesterday I might not ever hear from you again and I sent love your way! I guess you got it! AWE ❤


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