Good morning

I was up before dawn this morning, me and my dog watching for all the birds to wake up, and the bunnies to hop into the yard. I started a new job Monday, so I have less time and I’ve noticed my most important time of the day is my morning quiet time. Have a sweet, gentle, and blessed day. 💕

25 thoughts on “Good morning

    1. My mom is a morning person too, most of my family are morning people. Except for my daughter she’s not at all. LOL It is the happiest part of the day, I usually carry that feeling through out the day! 🙂 Happy weekend too you Scott! 🙂


      1. Wow, that is so so cool. I understand you very well how much such a kind of job means to you. And you even have your own office space. Congratulations, Michelle! Awesome!!

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  1. Your dog doesn’t look very happy about the thought of you going off to a new job. Congratulations. How’s Alex doing at her new job?

    Liked by 1 person

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