I’m on my own yellow brick road

I’m on my own yellow brick road
Not looking for someone to set me free
Not looking for truths to be revealed
I’ve got a mind and heart and brains of my own
I’m just walking and wondering when I will get it
Looking to the moon and God to make my way clear
I can make jobs, houses and material stuff
I truly want the things I can’t manifest for myself
I’m not sure how to say that with a poetic note
I’m okay with that, I’m looking at the moon and wondering a lot

And I thought we just got over this…

And I thought we just got over this
Something much deeper
Somewhere we feel pain
It’s not scary to me yet
I’m seeing we aren’t quiet over this
I’m not letting go but believing this
Emotions are part of settling and letting go
Pain is a deeper sense of letting go
Whether it be in the body or soul
We simply must fly…
But taking off is never simple
None of this is easy

Blue skies are Okay

I know a lot of people that question the blues
They look it up and down and all the way through
They chase it till it stops and allows itself caught
Only to realize…it’s okay to be blue
Blue is beautiful and sometimes it resemble how we feel inside
I love all colors and am happy when they show up
and catch my attention like this sky ღ