Visit from my little friend

Quiet weekend

Just finished cooking Angel and I a late lunch. We’ve been hanging outside watching the butterflies and moths visiting my flowers. So far 2 Monarchs and one yellow butterfly 🦋

Check out these leaves

We have a mole. Angel keeps pointing it out.

Meanwhile, my clematis keep coming back. I’m sure there’s a message in there somewhere. 🙏🏼💕💜 Happy Sunday to you.

A Time to Rest by Maria Shriver

From “I’ve Been Thinking” p. 181-185

I find these little gems from her book so helpful and timely in my life. Remembering to rest is something I used to struggle with and now I find myself seeking resting periods. Recharging and remembering this too shall pass. Have a blessed day sweet friends 🙏🏼💜🦋