Becoming okay with your being upset was the hardest thing for me

Becoming okay with your being upset was the hardest thing for me and sitting in the fact that I knew I upset you when I didn’t deliver like I said I would, like I hoped I could nearly kills me.

I simply didn’t have it in me to look pretty and be ON.
You see I was already ON…

I live my life ON and your visit came at a time when I literally had nothing left because I’ve been running at this unbelievable pace for 2 years trying to fill a pair of size 14 shoes I didn’t know were retired when their owner did!

Sitting in this moment and allowing it to BE what it is and not bombarding you with I’m sorry’s, because I already apologized for disappointing you, is the hardest thing to do for the fixer in me.
I simply must stop this need to please it’s literally killing me and I know it!

Becoming okay with you being upset and sitting in the fact that I knew I disappointed you when I didn’t deliver is the hardest thing for me.

13 thoughts on “Becoming okay with your being upset was the hardest thing for me

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