Yesterday Song – Remembrance

After my Pa passed away, I buried myself in his writing, and listening to songs I knew were his favorite. My mom said I/we [my brother and sister] were trying to find some semblance of ourselves in his words and beloved song lyrics. I found this little gem a dear friend sent me, they said this was my Pa’s song but a different rendition. I’ve come to know that we leave little heart glimmers of ourselves for our beloveds to find when the visual reference is no longer present, so we dig deeper for the sweetness. I really love that. 🙏🏼💕💗

Lost in a world of words

Along the streams, the Stoney brook
Took me to the other side
Reality, yet a fantasy
I hurry deep inside

Your words they seem to capture
They memorize me so
They show me that my world
It is little, just…  And so

I get tired
My head gets full
I stop reading

I think I have gathered enough words, to last me a lifetime… Peace


Disclaimer: This is not about anyone particular person, but more about the state of my mind that gets full of words. It’s hard for me to sort it all sometimes. So I get lost in art and such. Just so you know…I never tire of reading just, processing so much. ❤


Crazy Sue and Gypsy Daisy

Crazy Sue & Gypsy Daisy
became good friends
and sometimes maybe
they sit & talk about
nothing at all

Said Crazy Sue to Gypsy Daisy,
“Did you know there’s a Gypsy song?”
Gypsy Daisy laughed and said
“Ya, but why don’t you play it for me.”

Crazy Sue closed her eyes
tears did flow
she sang of wrongs
stars & even so
they all tried to love her
she would fight
not once did she give
a second thought
to fools that didn’t
hold her heart tight
even so she cried…
so did Gypsy Daisy

Blog Header art

Over the years I’ve always designed my own header art, even though WP provides themes I never use their art I like to create my own. Yesterday I changed my design to this…

This art came from the art I designed for the Still Small Voice Post. I think that says it all for me.

I created several candidates. I usually go with what I’m feeling and design art from that place.

Over the years I’ve changed my header art a lot mostly it reflects how I feel.  I thought you might like to see some of my other designs for WP header art.

I hope you enjoy my art and designs. I’ve recently decided to take a new job that will be less creative and more managerial, which I’m so happy and thankful for but I know I will miss my creative space. So you’ll probably see more art from me here, as I always need an outlet for my mind to rest and play. Have a blessed day and thank you for being here! 💜




Yellow Sky…Yellow Lines

Maybe it was the Yellow Sky
& Yellow Lines
That caught my eye
All I know…it was a foggy Winter’s day
I saw them all a sudden
Drifting, floating, they did flutter
Landing on the Yellow lines
Nothing seen for miles and miles
This Yellow Sky…These Yellow Lines
and my two Yellow leaf friends

It must have been magic


art, designs by MichelleMarie