Grace growing and flowing

My lilies have bloomed so sweetly

Grace comes to you when you are ready
Everything in  perfect timing
Stop and see, let it fill up
Your eyes, Your heart, Your mind

My butterfly bush is ready for the sweet butterflies and hummingbirds.

25 thoughts on “Grace growing and flowing

  1. I love your blog, Michelle Marie. Your wisdom shines through in the beautiful words. I love the images too. Very uplifting. Thank you.


      1. Your thoughts and words have struck a cord in my mind. You probably have noticed that I write on Old and New Testament subjects. It is, however, amazing that when I am preparing my studies from the Old Testament that there is a certain Holiness that is hard to explain, except it is very filling. I had to go into a vacant house of a deceased, old black Pastor. All of his personal belongs were still there, including all of his Bibles and other study material. The quietness of each room, and the knowledge of the fact that the man had been a pastor made me feel like I was invading a sacred space, a real Holiness. On Thursday, as I was writing my article on the Tabernacle in the desert, I was led to the theme song and the video scenes of the movie, Exodus. I sat in my desk and played that song, “over and over,” and felt holiness coming over me , and in me.I am not listening to the second song on the Torah post; it is causing an awareness of holiness to engulf me. God has been good to me,by putting special men and women in my path, with you being the most recent special saint. I understand your waiting on God….I did that for a number of years. May God richly bless you. Thanks for being a friend.

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      2. Oh wow I know exactly what you mean. I think it’s the anointing the person had on them from God. You can literally feel it. I’m thinking of Elijah and Elisha that sort of feeling except this was an actual exchange. I’m amazed that in the New Testament the Holy Spirit was not felt like it is now. I can’t explain it but I know you know what I mean.
        I do believe the ushering in of the spirit or anointing does come through music. It’s good that you are sensitive to feel it and receive it. Thank you for saying that about God putting special saints in your path. I’ve been wondering when God would use me or what is next for me. I wait on God a lot, every day in fact before I start my day. Thank you my friend! Have a blessed Sunday 🙂

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  2. Your garden photos are pretty and I like the poem about grace –
    And may I add another thought ?
    Sometimes grace comes when someone is not ready – yet they need it – and it smothers them with love –
    The Matt Redmond song comes to mind “your grace finds me”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AWE thank you. Yes you most certainly can add whatever you wish to share. I’m so thankful for this grace so amazing. I think it’s like that I didn’t realize it was here till I needed it. I say and feel this a lot in my life. Grace does find us. Amen! 🙂 Lovely addition my friend 🙂 Blessings on your day and weekend. 🙂

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