Sept. 11, 2019 | Waxing Gibbous Moon

My day ends with this beautiful Waxing Gibbous Moon; it’s not quite 100% full.
I took some close up shots so you could see the craters to the left.
I can’t stop looking at them. This view is what I saw first;
the lavender sky caught my attention first, but I knew it wasn’t yet a full moon.

My day started with awesomely tender, remembering, and then this beautiful moon.
We keep holding our breath! Sweet friends, we can exhale. We are going to be okay!
It just looks different than we thought.

June 17, 2019 Strawberry Moon

Due to all the storms I struggled to get a decent shot with the clouds I had to focus right on the moon then I lost the clouds. See blow my attempts.

My view from the back porch. No stars were present due to the clouds of course.

Not sure why this is called a Strawberry Moon, it’s more golden I think.